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Rajesh has chaired the BAME network for the last 3 years and has worked to engage the business on the topic of diversity and inclusion. He was instrumental in setting up the network and in getting board sponsorship around the network’s objectives. With the help of the BAME network, Sainsbury’s is creating a more welcoming environment by celebrating diversity very visibly. From engaging and educational multi-media content to celebrate diversity, to using Yammer internally to create discussion and highlighting ethnic minority role models, through to celebrating important cultural occasions, such as Diwali and Chinese New Year. The network actively engages with the business around a variety of topics such as the need for diverse recruitment pools and the need to measure BAME recruitment and retention statistics. They also hold an annual BAME conference, attended by members of the board, to discuss the importance of BAME inclusion and methods for increasing diversity. Externally, Rajesh regularly attends BAME networking events in London organized by various thought leadership groups to share his experience and learn from what others are doing

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